Delivery Policy

At Home and Lighting, we're committed to giving you the most for your money. That's why everything you buy ships FREE, courtesy of Home and Lighting! No matter how small the item, if it's in stock, then it qualifies. Unlike many retailers' policies, there's no minimum purchase required! It's one more thing that makes us the most convenient and most affordable place to shop. Once your order is placed, you can expect your box to arrive in the next 5 to 10 business days in the US and 7 to 14 business days in the Rest of the World.

If you have any doubts about our shipping methods, please write us an email to and we'll reply to you right away!



Packages that are returned because of an incorrect address provided by the customer will be subject to additional shipping charges. When we receive the package in our warehouse, we will issue a credit to the original credit card for the purchase price less the actual shipping cost. This shipping charge will apply even if you were not originally charged shipping under the free shipping option. Requests for packages to be shipped again will be subject to actual shipping charges. The purpose of this is to defray unnecessary shipping costs and to allow us to offer the lowest prices possible.


If a package is refused for delivery, the customer will be responsible for actual shipping charges incurred by Once we receive the package back in our warehouse, we will issue a credit to the original credit card for the purchase price less the actual shipping cost of shipping the package to you. This shipping charge will apply even if you were not originally charged shipping under the free shipping option. The purpose of this is to defray unnecessary shipping costs and to allow us to offer the lowest prices possible. This does not apply to packages that appear to be damaged in shipping.


If you receive this notification, it's due to one of these points:

  • You provided a wrong address and the courier company couldn't find your house or residential address. If is this is the case, you'll need to pick up the package at the local courier company. You only have 5 business days to pick up the package, otherwise, it will be returned to us.
  • You didn't pick up the package at the local courier company.
  • You provided a P.O. Box as delivery address and the courier company couldn't reach that particular address.


If the package was returned to us and you still need the products, you'll need to pay this time for the shipping. In case, you don't want the products to be delivered and want a refund, we'll process a partial refund taking into consideration the shipping cost, the courier company penalty cost and warehousing fees for returning the goods.